Inside Israel’s Gaza war zone, ferocious attack dogs, robots & drones lead charge

In its intensified tunnel war, Israel has so far unleased all tricks from its kitty. 

Media reports say Israel trained Oketz or ferocious dog units and the Samur or subterranean commandos to dismantle tunnels. Besides, Israel has already used ground-penetrating radar and gravity detectors to root out the Hamas spiderweb system.

The Jewish country with its superior war technique and precision methods understands challeges of tunnel fighting. 

It is weary of Hamas’ labyrinthine tunnels which they have been building for a decade. Many tunnels were dug up to 70 metres below ground with an intention to store food and fulel along with weapons.

Despite manifold challeges, Israel is up to the task of dismantling tunnels which broght misery to the Jewish country. 

A group of combat engineers of Yahalom (diamond) are kept standby to trace tunnels, destroy them or make provision to make forces’ entry.

Robots are also being readied tunnel war. Roboteam, a Tel Aviv-based firm is entrusted with developing specialist unmanned ground vehicles for the assault.

Small IRIS robots konwn as ‘throwbots’ will capture pictures through specialist sensors to detect objects and people.

Israel-made a particular robot is akin to the US Marines’ Gladiator tactical tracked drone that has sensors and carries a 7.62mm squad automatic weapon.

 The IDF banks highly on Oketz canine unit, formed by highly intelligent and ferocious Belgium Malinois run by British special forces.

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